715-634-3883 office@haywardumc.org
Lectionary Study

Lectionary Study: more to come, stay tuned.


Bible Study

Bible Study: The Bible Study using Pastor Samuel’s Book, The Four Gospels: An
Introduction for Teaching and Preaching is scheduled as follows:
Wednesday, May 4 at 10:30 am (Chapter 5: The Gospel According to John)
This is an in-person Bible Study. This will be the last one in the series. Those who want
to join Zoom, please email to Pastor directly so that a separate schedule will be
arranged. Lunch will be catered after each session paying $5. A sign-up sheet is available
at the narthex to indicate how many would like to have lunch.

Can We Talk About______?

Can We Talk About______?:
We meet at 10:30 am each Thursday via ZOOM. Everyone is always welcome. Contact
the Cady’s (651-483-0326) to join the discussion.

Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast Group Hosts Mother’s Day Breakfast: on Saturday, May 7th at 9:00 am at the church fellowship hall. All
ladies, families, and friends are welcome. Free will offering. Please use the sign-up
sheet. You may also email to Pastor if you plan to come. Please invite someone to this
Please use the sign-up sheet in the Narthex at the church. You may also email the Pastor (humcpastor1@gmail.com) if you plan to come. Please
invite someone to this event.

Nurture and Care

The Nurture and Care Committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 A.M. at the church.

Prayer Group

The Prayer Group meets at the church on the second Wednesday of the month at 11:00 A.M.

Ruby's Pantry

See schedule to sign up at RubysPantry.org

Book Club

Book Club:  Call Carol Loveland if you have any questions or would like to join, it is open.