715-634-3883 office@haywardumc.org


Food for Friends:

Temporary help is provided for church members in need following surgery, during chemotherapy or other medical treatments which may be debilitating, or in any situation where there is a need.  The method is informal.  A request is circulated at church and members volunteer on a scheduled basis.  Our HUMC church people have been unbelievably generous in providing this service whenever asked.


Prayer Blanket Ministry: Members of our congregation knit, crochet, quilt, or sew prayer items that are then available to be given as comfort for anyone in need.  Each item is prayed over and has a tag on it with the following.   “We pray that God’s healing touch will bring relief to you, and through His special graces may your mind and soul be comforted too.”  Prayer Blanket Ministry has grown to include making Prayer Pillows and Prayer Shawls.

St Francis Solanus School:

Members of the church make or buy gloves, mittens, scarves, and other apparel needed by the children of our Indigenous Catholic school in our community.

Prayer Chain: We are a church family that believes in the power of prayer.  If you have a prayer concern or request, please notify the Pastor who will notify the Prayer Chain via the Internet.  If you wish to submit a prayer request via this website, go to the Home page, select “Contact Us”, and then complete the form.  The form will go to the Pastor who will respond to your request.  If you would like to participate in this caring ministry, please contact the Pastor.

Funeral Food Service:

Foods will be catered as ordered by the funeral home per family wishes. Desserts, coffee, other beverage, and service will be provided by members of the church.

The Funeral Coordinator will contact members for donations of desserts, assistance in setup, serving, and cleanup.

Memorial Garden:

In 2004, a memorial garden was established in memory of Thomas L. Roberts. The garden was designed and dedicated with the hope that people would use it for personal reflection and prayer as well as for weddings and other gatherings.  Loved ones may be remembered by placing a plaque on the memorial wall in the garden.   Memorials are also available in the form of trees and shrubs to further enhance the beauty of the garden.